UUFCC Volunteer Committees, Activities and Congregational Management

Welcome to the UUFCC. Become familiar with what we have to offer by perusing this overview of volunteer committees, activities and congregational management.

Consider joining one of our vibrant groups at the UUFCC. We are organized in the following six areas: Community Life, Worship, Religious Education, Justice, Communications, and Congregational Management. When you find a group or groups that interests you and where you can share your talents, e-mail or call the person listed at the end to find out more information or to join. We will be very glad to have you.


We have an active community, and these are some of the groups that you can participate in or join right away. Joining a hospitality team is a great way to get to know people, and a good introductory commitment. Most members are on a team.


Description: Hospitality Teams take turns welcoming members and friends to Sunday services by being greeters, ushers, food helpers, etc. Each team serves two or three times a year and is made up of friends and members. You volunteer for the job you want, and bring a food item to share. It is easy, fun, and a great way to get to know people.


Description: A group of people or a committee sponsor a Wednesday evening supper where members congregate for fellowship and delicious food. It can be a standing UU group, or a group of people who would like to enjoy working together to create an evening of fun and camaraderie.


Description: On Wednesday evenings we play games in Fellowship Hall. We have all kinds of games, but we usually play modern (Euro-style) board games. We don’t attack or eliminate our “opponents.” To win, we cooperate with and even help them. Look at the collection in the closet in Fellowship Hall to see many examples. Everyone is welcome, and we gladly teach new gamers.

Activity: DIVING DEEP (A Book Club)

Description: Diving Deep is a women’s book club that meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. We choose our books once a year, and the person who recommends the book generally leads the discussion. The group is hosted by a different member each month. New members and visitors are welcome at any meeting.


Description: Five to ten people meet once a month for one and a half to two hours to discuss topics relevant to them within the Small Group Ministry format developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association. The Groups are intended to foster community, to help individuals grow in spirit, and to explore ideas in a UU context. Once a year, each group does a service project.


Description: We coordinate the caring activities of our congregation when needed. We are a community network of advocacy, support, and information for those who are in need of help and for those who wish to volunteer to help. We can always use people who’d like to deliver meals, provide rides, or help UUFCC members in other ways.


Description: We share memories. Most members read a piece they have written, though others have brought things like toys, photos or other memorabilia to share with the group. Some of us have written formal autobiographies. Others write accounts of a special day or event, profile family members, or something similar.


Description: Passage meditation involves meditating on inspirational passages from the world’s great spiritual traditions. The group meets every first and third Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. at the fellowship. The format of the meeting generally is: reading and discussion (60 minutes) and meditation (30 minutes).


Description: We welcome, reach out to, and assist attendees and new members in becoming familiar with the fellowship and congregational activities. The committee promotes a warm atmosphere where prospective new members and continuing members feel welcome. We compile materials to inform people about our congregation, hosting “Getting to Know UU,” and the “U & UUFCC” workshop, and following up with any inquiries or needs of new attendees and members.


Description: We sell vegetables, fruits, and homemade jams and pies after Sunday services in the summer and the fall, and donate the proceeds to the UUFCC. On occasion we need help with gardening, managing the vegetables, and keeping things in order. You can also volunteer to harvest before church on Sunday mornings, and/or set up tables and help with distribution after service.


Description: The Memorial Garden and Plaque is a space set aside for reflection and remembrance of loved ones, and for internment of loved ones’ ashes. It is located on the UUFCC grounds directly behind the back wall of the sanctuary. It is landscaped as a garden with a permanent memorial plaque included. We can always use help with the gardening.

Activity: YARD SALE

Description:Fellowship members participate in collecting, sorting, pricing, and displaying donations before the sale, which is on the third Saturday in August. During the sale, people help customers, collect money, and pack up goods. It is a great way to get to know people!


Description:The Freedom Seder is an inter-generational potluck dinner and Passover service. Family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues will be warmly welcomed. It is a wonderful night of fellowship that restores your hope and renews your commitment to work for justice.


Description: This is one of our largest fundraisers and is also a lot of fun. Members contribute items and services. Some are auctioned off and others are displayed around the room for people to bid on silently. The items are interesting and diverse, and the food is yummy. Some of the service opportunities have included yard work, airport rides, and bread making lessons.


These groups organize, support, and contribute to the various services that are conducted at the UUFCC throughout the year.


Description: We collaborate in shared ministry to support and inspire the spiritual lives of the UUFCC Congregation. In collaboration with the minister and the director of lifespan religious education (DLRE), we plan, develop, and promote services and programs that speak to both the head and the heart. You can serve as a committee member, be a chalice lighter, or, during the summer months, help to plan and carry out a lay-led service.


Description:These lay-led services offer participants a chance to consider their spirituality using many different lenses: readings, making art, pondering the ideas of the ancients, dancing, singing, sitting in silence, etc. Every service ends with a sharing time when people can light a candle and talk about whatever is in their hearts.


Description: We support the music director in all aspects of their role and organize the UUFCC Concert Series and the Young Artists’ Concert Series. We also support other musical activities, events, and groups within and as outreach from the UUFCC. Some of our musical activities include adult choir, youth choir, jazz band, and song circle.


In conjunction with the reverend and the director of religious education, these groups help to organize and conduct both the adult and children’s educational opportunities, and to maintain and expand the library.


Description: The Religious Education Committee works with the reverend and the director of religious education to plan and implement programs and activities for children and youth. Some jobs are RE team-teachers, summer RE team-teachers, administrative help, occasional classroom aide, etc.


Description: This committee nurtures spiritual development through classes,

workshops, and discussions that explore our Unitarian Universalist values and how to apply them to our lives.


Description: Library committee members check in and re-shelve returned books, evaluate gifts, catalog and process new items, conduct inventories, and promote the use of the adult and children’s collections. There are no formal meetings, just periodic workdays.


The members of these groups help support our core values through education and active participation in movements and activities both locally, nationally, and internationally.


Description: We respond to immediate concerns and needs in the community. We compile nominated groups for our First Sunday Plate Collection that takes place during services, and ask people to vote on the ones they want to support. We participate in bell ringing in December that supports InterFaith Human Services.


Description: We coordinate efforts to create a more racially just community within the UUFCC, the Centre County region, and beyond. We approach this work through education and activism.


Description:Our goal is to maintain and enhance the UUFCC’s green sanctuary certification by promoting ecojustice and the environmental practices that make ecojustice possible. We do this through projects at the UUFCC and in the broader community, focusing on renewable energy, and promoting the use of sustainable food, green transportation, and clean water.


Description:This group is working for real change for real people. The members help sustain the fight for justice for all in Pa. The UUJusticePA vision statement: Pennsylvania UUs are aware of justice issues and are called to speak and take action that leads to a better commonwealth. The mission statement: Pursuing justice by voting, advocating and making just public policies. Our UUFCC representative will make us aware of actions we can take to promote justice in Pa.

Additional justice groups we are associated with (community liaisons):

Black Lives Matter, Citizen’s Climate Lobby, Clearwater Conservancy, Crop Walk, Interfaith Human Services, Master Gardeners, Nittany Valley Environmental Coalition (NVEC), Out of the Cold, PA Light and Power, Prison Society, Refugee Project, Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ), Sierra Club, and UU/United Nations Organization.


These groups handle both internal and external communications, as well as maintaining and creating artwork for the sanctuary and the side hallway of the UUFCC building.


Description: We publish a monthly on-line and printed version of UU Connections. It contains news submitted by committees and groups, information about upcoming activities, fellowship items, member’s and friend’s poetry and art sections, the Member Spotlight, and more. Writing positions include the Member Spotlight and People News. Other jobs are gathering information, editing, proofreading, layout, and mailing.


Description: We have a web-page and a Facebook page that need to be updated regularly. We also have the e-news page that is put out once a week and sent to people via e-mail. It contains all the weekly news and Zoom connections.


Description: We advertise periodically in local papers and through PSAs on the radio to promote the Sunday services and community-wide events created by the UUFCC. The work involves scheduling ads, writing copy, and proofing.


Description: We make and place the banners and decorations in the sanctuary. We need helpers to put these items up and take them down, especially in December. We also supply artwork for the side hallway and are always looking for artists to share their work with us. It’s fun to do and rewarding to view the beautiful results every Sunday.


These groups are engaged in the strategic and operational management of the UUFCC, together with the reverend and the staff.


Description: We help to coordinate the activities of the committees and groups that are currently active at the UUFCC, as well as keeping these groups informed about one another’s plans. Each group or committee falls within a “cluster” of related committees: Community Life, Worship, Religious Education, Justice, and Communications. Each cluster has a representative from one of the committees within the cluster who facilitates the communication of information between relevant groups. All representatives must be members of the UUFCC and are appointed by the board based on our recommendations.


Description:We act in the name of the UUFCC, work with the congregation to develop the mission and vision of the UUFCC, and communicate with, listen to, and engage the congregation. The board holds fiduciary responsibilities for the financial resources, human resources, and building and grounds, and develops policies necessary to effectively govern the fellowship. We conduct strategic planning and congregational assessments. Our members have job descriptions and are elected from and by the members. You can review the nominating and electoral process here.


Description: We take care of the grounds around the UUFCC throughout the year. This includes weeding, mowing, picking up trash, etc. Help is always welcome. It is very satisfying to see the land looking healthy and appealing. We also manage the property sustainably through assessments, planning, project development, and volunteer training.


Description: We advise and assist the Board of Trustees in its oversight of the financial health, financial operations, and stewardship of the UUFCC. We coordinate all financial and stewardship activities including those of the Endowment and Directed Gifts Committee and the Annual Pledge Campaign team.


Description: We serve as the custodian for UUFCC’s endowment for funds from major gifts including directed gifts, bequests, and other funds the Board of Trustees directs to the committee.


Description: We are responsible for policy development and oversight in support of the HR responsibilities of the Board. Through research of best practices and UUA policies and procedures, in conjunction with local employment trends, we act in an advisory fashion and formulate recommendations to the board for fair hiring practices, employee compensation, and other HR policies.


Description: We organize and develop meaningful ways to raise funds to maintain our fellowship building and activities. We create a theme, send out forms, and design fun and engaging activities in which congregants interact with one another and share reasons why the fellowship is important to them.


Description: We form these committees when there is a need to find nominees for the board or for other elected positions.


Description: We form these small groups of people to work on special tasks that arise periodically.

UUFCC Volunteer Committees, Activities and Congregational Management Contact List:

Community Life

Hospitality Teams – Open

Memorial Garden Committee – Doris MacKenzie: dorismac@gmail.com

Diving Deep – Jean Giddings: jeansletten@comcast.net

Yard Sale – Cee Pollard: cpollard@lockhaven.edu

Small Group Ministry – Cee Pollard: cpollard@lockhaven.edu

Fellowship Suppers – Milena Danneker: danneker@verizon.net

Freedom Seder – Helen Dempsey: helendempsey49@gmail.com

Game Nights – Randy Ward: randy.ward@remcom.com

Memoirs Group – Michael Bourgo: bourgom@aol.com

Membership Committee – Marilyn Jones: maplecandy33@gmail.com

Service Auction – Sue Smith: suesmith1288@gmail.com

Product Fund Raising (Sunday Mornings) – Jay Searles: jsearles@gmail.com

Passage Meditation – Ken Ryzniak: kynzirnek@gmail.com

Caring Committee – Sue Smith: suesmith1288@gmail.com


Newsletter – Marilyn Jones: newsletter@uufcc.com

Advertising and Publicity – Claudia Snyder: chsnyder65@gmail.com

Aesthetics Committee – Wendy Snetsinger: wsnetsinger@gmail.com

On-line Communications – Administrative Assistant: office@uufcc.com

Religious Education

Religious Education Committee (Adult and Children’s) – Laura Liermann: Liermannlj@gmail.com

Library Committee – Mike Bourgo: bourgom@aol.com


Worship Committee

Soulful Sundown – Linda Bryce at linda.bryce@hotmail.com

Music Committee – Colleen Kennedy: music@uufcc.org


Justice Cluster – Eileen Senn: eileensenn@gmail.com

Racial Justice Committee – Suzanne Weinstein: sweinstein56@gmail.com

Green Sanctuary – Troy Frank: troyfrank@gmail.com

UUJusticePA – Peg Dobrinska: mdobrinska413@comcast.net

Congregational Management

Program Council – Elaine Jurs: emjurs@gmail.com

Board of Trustees – Frans Padt: franspadt@uufcc.com

Building and Grounds Committee – Troy Frank: troyfrank@gmail.com

Endowment and Directed Gifts Committee – Wayne Osgood: wosgood@psu.edu

Human Resources Committee – Open

Finance and Stewardship Committee – Martha Butler: meteomartha@gmail.com

Annual Pledge Campaign – Claudia Snyder: chsnyder63@gmail.com and Ann Snowman: annsnowman@comcast.net

Here is some extra information for you to sample about a few of our groups:

Adult Religious Education Classes

Fellowship members have enjoyed a wide variety of adult RE offerings over the years, including classes such as Examining Whiteness, Cakes for the Queen of Heaven, Building Your Own Theology, and Voluntary Simplicity to name just a few. The Adult RE Committee seeks to support the needs of the congregation with offerings which will enrich and strengthen our UUFCC community and further the vision of the congregation. Current offerings are announced in the weekly e-news and UU Connections.

For more information, visit Adult Religious Education.

Hospitality Teams

Recognizing the many details involved in creating our Sunday morning experience, we rely on Hospitality Teams to keep things running smoothly. Teams of about 20 individuals work together to greet visitors, usher, provide refreshments, set up for social hour, and close-up the building when we’re done. Each team helps out on four consecutive Sundays, roughly twice a year. Many hands make light work! And it is fun, too!

We encourage anyone attending the Fellowship on a regular basis, to join one of our teams! It’s a great way to meet new people, and for members and friends to connect. uua-green-sanctuary-logo

Green Sanctuary Committee

Meets the first Sunday of each month at 11:30 a.m. in Room 2

The UUFCC is now a fully accredited Green Sanctuary congregation: a formal recognition of our service and dedication to the Earth, grounded in Unitarian Universalism.

Our purpose is to study, reflect, and act on environmental challenges via:

  • Environmental justice and ethics within and beyond our fellowship;
  • Worship and celebration;
  • Education and informal learning opportunities for families and individuals;
  • Sustainable practices in our fellowship, families, and communities.

Read the Accreditation Application here.

Soulful Sundown Service

Meets the first and third Sundays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary or on Zoom

Soulful Sundown is a contemplative evening service. The gathering focuses on a selected topic, and intersperses brief readings and music with quiet periods for reflection and meditation. A special sharing period provides an optional opportunity for those present to comment on the service readings or their experiences and feelings of the time.


A calming, focused time to reflect on the time past and the week ahead, Soulful Sundown can be both restful and energizing. The smaller group that attends provides intimate and comfortable companionship for your spiritual journey. For more information, or to suggest a Soulful Sundown topic, contact Linda Bryce at linda.bryce@hotmail.com.

Small Group Ministry

Our Small Group Ministry program deepens and broadens personal spiritual growth. A group usually consists of about 10 members who meet at each others’ homes or the UUFCC, usually once or twice a month. Each meeting is focused on religious exploration and growth. The goals are to:

  • Listen and be listened to in a safe place
  • Learn about the mysteries of our world and our spiritual paths
  • Build new and deeper personal connections
  • Serve our community and the needs of one another
  • Maintain personal connections and a caring community

For further information, or to join a group, contact Cee Pollard (cpollard@uufcc.com)

Passage Meditation

Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m in room 6.

A regular meditation practice can help you sharpen concentration, deal effectively with stress and anger, live more fully in the present, shed unwanted habits, and develop patience.

In passage meditation, you choose a spiritual text or passage that embodies your highest ideals, memorize it, and then go through the words in your mind slowly, silently, and with as much concentration as possible.

By training your mind to stay on words that embody your highest ideals, you drive them deep into your consciousness and, at the same time, gradually build your capacity to concentrate. For more information, you may want to visit www.easwaran.org/learning-how-to-meditate.html or take a look at Eknath Easwaran’s book, Meditation, available in the Fellowship Library.

For more information on our group and texts used, contact us at meditation@uufcc.com.

Memoir Group

Meets the first and third Thursday of each month at 2:30 p.m. in room 6

If you would like to know more about our group, please contact Mike Bourgo at bourgom@aol.com or 814-808-6418).

