We spend too much time separating our communities by age – children in school, older people in retirement communities. Unitarian Universalist congregations all over the country are breaking this cycle. Multigenerational congregations are simultaneously congregations of the ancient past and the distant future. Multigenerational services are intentional, meaningful programs that not only engage each generation on its own level but also connect each generation with other generations. Taken to its highest potential, a fully multigenerational congregation would be a community where everyone, both young and old, is both teacher and learner; where every stage of life is valued and supported. Though we value our individual paths as UUs, research conducted over the past fifty years has found that trusted relationships are still key to our faith development. These relationships are not merely among those of our own generation, but of all generations. Children learn they have roots; a history to ground them. Parents benefit by receiving support, knowing that there are other adults who love their children and who are looking out for them. Elders benefit by re-connecting with a sense of joyful freedom. Multigen connections balance the need for intellectual stimulation with a childlike exuberance and sense of wonder.