
Our Unitarian Universalist congregation is a self-governing entity.  The congregation controls its own finances and property, and selects its leadership and form of governance.  Our minister is called to partner with us by a vote of the congregation.

Semi-annual meetings are held in the fall and spring, at which time voting members of the congregation gather to elect Board and Program Council members, to hear reports of committees and teams, approve the budget and act on any special issues.  Additional meetings may be held at the recommendation of the Board to address concerns as they arise.  In short, the leadership of the congregation originates from the members themselves, and is carried out in collaboration with our professional staff and committed lay leadership.  In order to facilitate informed and skilled leadership within our congregation, leadership development opportunities are offered regularly during the year.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees consists of the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Trustees.

The work of the Board is to set policy and to support the work of the staff and committees of the Fellowship. They have fiduciary responsibility for the congregation.  Part of their job is to ensure the congregation is living out its mission.  They listen to the congregation, understand how our Fellowship is being called to act in the world, and then provide leadership to get us there.  The Board also creates an operating budget for presentation at our Annual Meeting each spring, which the members approve.  All Board members attend a daylong retreat at the start of the year to set the year’s goals and then meet once a month. Typically each member is part of a Board subcommittee with responsibility for one of the goals.

The Board Members are currently:

Betsy Allen ——————President: Betsy Allen

Amanda Richards———-Past President: Amanda Richards

Peter Jurs——————-Treasurer

Carol Pollard—————-Secretary

Janet IronsBob MinardStephanie Szakal—————————–Trustees

Minister and Director of Lifespan Religious Education—————-Ex-Officio

Program Council

The Program Council is made up of representatives from each of the teams or committees that we call ‘clusters’.  This group meets on the third Tuesday of the month to discuss and plan program priorities for the fellowship and to determine what is going well and what and who needs support.   The Program Council helps coordinate the day-to-day programs, including the scheduling of events and facilitating collaboration among the various teams and committees.

The Program Council also works with the Board of Trustees to implement the goals of the congregation.

The Program Council chair is currently Betsy Allen (who is also President-elect of the Board)

Members of the Program Council include:

Elaine Jurs ———— Community Life
Laura Lierman ————Religious Education
Laura Kemper———-Service & Music
Deb Hager————–Social Action
Libby Gage————–Communications
Andrew Mickle———Youth
